What are Amazon Creative Assets?

Creative assets are typically digital files that are used to build creative marketing campaigns. They are the files that generate the creatives in a seller’s ads, such as images files and other media files. A creative is the content shoppers view. Assets are the files that make up the creative. Creative assets are linked to marketing because they advertise to target audiences.

Amazon Creative Assets

Amazon Creative Assets allows sellers to upload, store and organize files in one location for use across Amazon advertising. Once loaded into Creative Assets and submitted to Amazon, they can be reviewed to ensure that the content is compliant with their ad content policy.

This benefits sellers because when it’s time to create a new ad campaign, or edit the content within their Stores, the time lag between pre-approval and task completion is eliminated. Sellers save valuable time by utilizing assets that have already gone through moderation.

Amazon Creative Assets permits sellers to easily filter and locate previously used assets like custom images from older Sponsored Brands campaigns to use in new ads, or to replace outdated images in current campaigns.

However, the videos that a seller has previously used will not be located in this area.

Amazon Creative Assets screenshot

During the uploading of assets, there are four principal ways for a seller to organize and keep track of their creatives:

  1. Name – give an image a designation,
  2. Type – select a type (Author image, Lifestyle image, Logo, Other image, Product image),
  3. Tags – add a tag to assets (Trademark, Symbol, or create a customized tag),
  4. Products – assign individual ASINs

Sellers also have the ability to apply filters to their asset searches. They can filter a search by:

  • Date uploaded
  • Dimensions
  • File format
  • Size
  • Campaign name
  • Program
  • Archived
  • Type

Assembling Quality Creatives for Your Brand

Shoppers often judge the quality of a brand (and its products), by the quality of its creatives. Therefore, sellers should always strive to use high-quality assets to demonstrate that their brand is synonymous with having high standards of quality, which differentiates their brand from other products on Amazon.

Follow these guidelines for assembling quality creatives/content.


  • Logos may appear in different sizes, on different devices, and atop different backgrounds. It’s important to anticipate this when you upload your logo.
  • Completely fill all available space when you upload your logo
  • Only use text that’s large and easy to read
  • Apply a white background color to keep text highly visible in more placements

Lifestyle images

While Sponsored Products campaigns help conversion, Sponsored Brands campaigns help brand discovery and brand loyalty. A brand’s images should focus on how its products add value in real life.

  • Use the highest image resolution possible
  • Use a photo or graphic to show how brand can be part of a positive life experience
  • Maintain focus on the brand or one of its products
  • Show that the brand is for everyone by using diverse models, such as models of all races, ages, weights, and ethnicities

Custom images

Custom images allow sellers to include compelling images that represent their products or brand in context or a lifestyle setting in their ads.

Images must not contradict the landing page and must be of high resolution and quality and aesthetically pleasing.

Images must not:

  • Be individual or multiple product images on a solid or transparent background.
  • Be an individual brand logo or combination of logos.
  • Be one of your selected product images.
  • Contain crowded, excessive, poorly cropped or illegible elements.
  • Contain additional text other than text naturally present in the image (such as on product packaging).
  • Contain letterbox or pillarbox formats.

Amazon realizes sellers are always seeking new ways to stay organized and save time. The Creative Assets new tool will permit sellers to instantly and effortlessly locate images that have been previously approved to use in new campaigns, or to tweak older ones.

Hopefully, in the near future, Creative Assets will expand to include giving sellers the ability to store and access custom images, headlines and videos, thus helping to remove any lingering barriers to scaling their Amazon businesses.

Creative Assets is a major step in the right direction, but if you need additional help to fine-tune your Amazon advertising and to ethically scale your business, contact our Management Services team today. These Amazon advertising experts can work with you to create custom headlines and other assets that will place your products centerstage with audiences that are eager to purchase them.

Entourage: Software to Scale Amazon Ads and Results Driven Management.