If there is one rule that all Amazon sellers should live their entrepreneurial lives by, it is to perform an Amazon A/B Test on a regular basis. Split testing helps sellers to discover which parts of their Amazon listings are the most effective for persuading shoppers to buy their products.

Amazon sellers can also use Amazon A/B Testing Tips to improve their conversion rates, ROAS and to minimize cart abandonment rates.

Accomplishing these goals requires a careful research process.

That’s why it is essential for sellers to conduct efficient, nonrandom split tests repeatedly in order to obtain an optimized product detail page that has been created by measuring various relevant metrics such as conversion rates, sales and profit.

Note: This blog was updated in June, 2022 with the most up to date tips and tactics for implementing Amazon A/B Testing Tips.

Amazon A/B Testing Tips: The Benefits of Conducting

These Amazon A/B Testing Tips will help sellers to:

  • increase their product’s visibility,
  • optimize the customer buying cycle,
  • increased average order value,
  • improve their shoppers’ experience (leads to positive reviews),
  • generate customer loyalty,
  • drive conversions (generating higher revenues).

What Sellers Should Know Before Using These Amazon A/B Testing Tips

Sellers should know…

  1. what type of information are they looking to discover,
  2. why they are testing a specific element of their listing,
  3. how long the test will run,
  4. what metrics will be used to measure and evaluate results,
  5. which variations will be best for the test, and
  6. what actions will be taken based upon the test results.

What To Split Test on an Amazon Listing

Sellers can use Amazon AB split tests on individual elements of their listings that include:

  • A+ Content/Images (compare at least two versions of the Main Image + additional images, to discover which ones generate the highest conversion rates)
  • Title (split test different versions of the product title to determine how each one impacts overall click-through and conversion rates)  
  • Bullet Points (split test different lengths of the bullet points, or the order in which the product’s features/benefits are presented)
  • Description (split test several versions of the description or keyword combinations)
  • Pricing strategy (split test various price points over time, then analyze the key metrics to help identify which one will likely prove to be the most successful one.

How To Use Manage Your Experiments on Amazon For AB Split Testing

Manage Your Experiments is an Amazon tool that helps sellers to eliminate some of the guesswork (through split testing), when optimizing their A+ Content, Main Image, Title, and product images.

A/B split testing each of these elements allows sellers to simultaneously compare two versions of content against each other, in order to create the highest converting listing that squeezes out every possible dollar. Amazon will automatically split shoppers who view the seller's listing into two groups.

By utilizing A/B tests, sellers no longer have to spend months testing different product marketing strategies to determine which version of content resonates best with Amazon shoppers.

Manage Your Experiments allows sellers to choose any duration between 4 and 10 weeks.  Within that period, sellers can cancel their split testing at any time. Sellers should let their testing run for as long as feasible in order to collect as much reliable data as possible before making a decision.

Manage Your Experiments is currently only available for brand-registered sellers.

5 Amazon A/B Testing Tips for Product Listings

Once familiar with the basic concepts of Amazon AB Split Testing, sellers should incorporate the following tips to increase the accuracy of their tests.

I. A/B test anything and everything

With A/B testing, it’s all about letting the numbers speak for themselves. Sellers must cast aside their assumptions and test everything, (title, main image, additional product images, image order, product title, bullet points, product description, and price).

II. Use a large enough sample size

While not a rule written in stone, sellers should generally have a minimum sample size of 5,000 impressions per variant to help ensure the validity of their results. (To get a larger sample size, run tests on high traffic ASINs).

While it can be tempting to stop an A/B test early when it looks like one variant is clearly winning, sellers should always wait till they’ve reached their predetermined sample size before concluding the test. It’s always possible that a variant which may have performed poorly earlier on will ultimately emerge as the winner.

III. Test your best-sellers

Sellers should focus on testing their best-selling listings, rather than burning precious time on low traffic listings (e.g., those of newly launched products). Bestsellers get more views and sales, which translates into more data for AB split tests.

IV. Focus on one change at a time

Test a single variable at a time. Stick to making one change at a time to avoid confusion on which variables influenced the testing results.

For example, if Variant B of your product listing has a different price, title, and feature image from Variant A, and it’s experiencing a higher conversion rate, you wouldn’t be able to pinpoint what’s causing that increase.

Maybe the change in title increased the conversion rate by 5%, and the change in price increased it by 10%, leading to a total increase of 15%. Maybe the change in title reduced the conversion rate by 2%, and the change in feature image increased it by 17%, leading to the same net increase of 15%. The seller wouldn’t know which individual change was indeed the most impactful.

V. Minimize the influence of external factors

Sellers should make sure there aren’t any external factors (such as promotions, sales, and newly launched coupon codes) influencing their A/B tests.

For example, sellers should minimize the influence of external factors, like Black Friday. If a seller A/B split tests product listings in the month of November, leading up to Black Friday, obviously, during the week of Black Friday, their conversion rates and revenue will be artificially inflated. This skews the test numbers and delivers less accurate results.

A Final Word on A B Testing Amazon Listings

Amazon A/B split testing is all about gradually improving gaps in a seller’s listings. Making one tweak to your Amazon product listing might give you a significant competitive edge within your niche and help you to scale your business. A/B split testing should be a never-ending process which examines each facet of your listing to ensure that it is fully optimized and primed to convert.

Start AB split testing your listings today.

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